Source code for exegis.title

"""Module which contains the class which create the XML part related to
the title in the hippocratic aphorism document.

:Authors: Jonathan Boyle, Nicolas Gruel <>

:Copyright: IT Services, The University of Manchester
    from .analysis import references, footnotes
    from .baseclass import Exegis, logger
except ImportError:
    from analysis import references, footnotes
    from baseclass import Exegis, logger

# Define an Exception
[docs]class TitleException(Exception): """Class for exception """ pass
[docs]class Title(Exegis): """Class Title which will create the title XML part Attributes ---------- title : str string which contain the title of the exegis aphorisms document. doc_num : int integer which contain the version of the document. next_footnote : int integer which contains the footnote reference number which can be present. """ def __init__(self, title, next_footnote=1, doc_num=1): Exegis.__init__(self) self.title = title self.doc_num = doc_num self.next_footnote = next_footnote
[docs] def xml_main(self): """Method to treat the title. Modify the attribute ``xml`` to add the title section in the main XML """ self.title = self.title.strip(' \n').splitlines() # remove empty line in title if present. self.title = [line for line in self.title if line] # Now process the title # --------------------- # Generate the opening XML for the title self.xml.append(self.xml_oss * self.xml_n_offset + '<div n="{}" ' 'type="Title_section">'.format(self.doc_num)) self.xml.append(self.xml_oss * (self.xml_n_offset + 1) + '<ab>') for line in self.title: # Process any witnesses in this line. # If this raises an exception then print an error message # and return try: line_ref = references(line) except TitleException: error = ('Unable to process title references ' 'in line {} '.format(line)) logger.error(error) raise TitleException # Process any footnotes in line_ref, # if this fails print to the error file and return try: self.xml_n_offset += 2 xml_main_to_add, self.next_footnote = \ footnotes(line_ref, self.next_footnote) self.xml_n_offset -= 2 except(TitleException, TypeError): error = ('Unable to process title footnote ' 'in line {} '.format(line)) logger.error(error) return # Add the return values to the XML lists self.xml.extend(xml_main_to_add) # Close the XML for the title self.xml.append(self.xml_oss * (self.xml_n_offset + 1) + '</ab>') self.xml.append(self.xml_oss * self.xml_n_offset + '</div>')