

The expected way of using the module is to run the software eXegis in a terminal where you want to save the XML files which should be produce at the end of the process.

The software is expecting at least one argument which can be:

  1. a folder name which contain the text files
  2. a file name

The text file has to follow a specific structure (XXXXX)

An optional argument can be given to use a specic template which will be used to create the XML files.

> exegis file_to_analyse
> exegis file_to_analyse --xml-main-template=xml_main_template.xml
> exegis directory
> exegis directory --xml-main-template=xml_main_template.xml


  • file_to_analyse contains the text to transform in XML (TEI compliant)
  • directory is the name of a directory with file(s) to transform in XML (TEI compliant). All the files will be treated.
  • --xml-main-template= is an option to precise the xml template used for the treatment (here xml_main_template.xml)

The software provided the information on how to use it if it is called wihtout arguments or with the option -h or --help:

> exegis

will give:

        exegis <files> [--xml-main-template=<tmpl>]
        exegis -h | --help
        exegis --version


The user have a file called aphorisms.txt in the internal format and he want to convert it in the XML TEI format. The file is locate in a sub-directory called texts.

└── texts
    └── aphorisms.txt

to achieve the transformation in a terminal:

> exegis texts/aphorisms.txt

or just use the name of the directory (All the files inside it will be treated):

> exegis texts

If everything is running well the user will not get any message but will come back to the normal terminal prompt >:

> exegis texts/

if there are a problem an error message will appeared in the terminal:

>exegis texts/
2017-04-25 11:57:05,389 - exegis - ERROR - N aphorism expected 4, got: 3
2017-04-25 11:57:05,389 - exegis - ERROR - Missing or problematic aphorism: [2]
2017-04-25 11:57:05,389 - exegis - ERROR - Error: unable to process "aphorisms.txt", see log file.

In this example, the error message said that the problem is at the aphorism 2. It can be missing or having other problem to find it. The user interaction is needed at this stage and he should verify the aphorisms.txt file.

For both results a logging file will be created in the working directory:

├── exegis.log
├── texts
   └── aphorisms.txt

If the process is running until the end without any problems, a new directory will be created in the working directory with the name XML:

├── exegis.log
├── texts
│   └── aphorisms.txt
└── XML
    ├── aphorisms_app.xml
    └── aphorisms_main.xml

Two files are presents inside an app file, which contains the footnotes information and the main file which contains the texts and the references to the footnotes.