Source code for exegis.main

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Main module to treat aphorisms and convert them in XML files.

:Authors: Jonathan Boyle, Nicolas Gruel <>

:Copyright: IT Services, The University of Manchester
import sys
import os

    from docopt import docopt
except ImportError:
    print("Install docopt package: pip install docopt --user")

    from .__init__ import __version__
    from .aphorisms_to_xml import logger, Process, AphorismsToXMLException
except ImportError:
    from __init__ import __version__
    from aphorisms_to_xml import logger, Process, AphorismsToXMLException

[docs]def main(args=None): """Run eXegis scripts to produce the TEI XML Command line:: Usage: exegis <files> [--relaxng=<relax>] exegis -h | --help exegis --version Options: -h --help Show this screen. --version Show version. --xml-template=<name> Name of the XML template --relaxng=<name> Name of the Relaxng file use to validate the resulting XML Examples: exegis TextFiles exegis Textfiles --xml-template=template.xml exegis Textfiles --relaxng=tei.rng exegis Textfiles --xml-template=template.xml --relaxng=tei.rng Raises ------ SystemExit if the file or the folder to treat is not available. """ arguments = docopt(main.__doc__, argv=args, version=__version__) # Convert docopt results in the proper variable (change type when needed) fname = arguments['<files>'] template_file = arguments['--xml-template'] relaxng_file = arguments['--relaxng'] try: if os.path.isdir(fname): directory = fname.strip(os.pathsep) files = os.listdir(directory) else: files, directory = [fname], '' except FileNotFoundError: error = 'Error: path {} for text files ' \ 'not found'.format(directory) logger.error(error) sys.exit() for fname in files: try: comtoepi = Process(fname=fname, folder=directory) if template_file: comtoepi.template_fname = template_file if relaxng_file: comtoepi.relaxng_fname = relaxng_file comtoepi.main() except AphorismsToXMLException: error = 'Error: unable to process "{}", ' \ 'see log file.'.format(fname) logger.error(error)"Finished " +
if __name__ == '__main__': main()