Source code for exegis.baseclass

"""Module which will contains the basic classes used in the code

:Authors: Nicolas Gruel <>

:Copyright: IT Services, The University of Manchester
# pylint: disable=locally-disabled, invalid-name
    from .conf import (logger, XML_OSS, XML_N_OFFSET, XML_OFFSET_SIZE,
                       TEMPLATE_FNAME, RELAXNG_FNAME)
except ImportError:
    from conf import (logger, XML_OSS, XML_N_OFFSET, XML_OFFSET_SIZE,
                      TEMPLATE_FNAME, RELAXNG_FNAME)

# Define an Exception
[docs]class ExegisException(Exception): """Class for exception """ pass
[docs]class Exegis(object): """Basic class used for the software. Attributes ---------- xml : list, optional list of string which contains the XML related to the introduction to be include in the main XML part of the document. xml_n_offset : int, optional define the number of time the oss string is used (see above) default: 3 xml_offset_size : int, optional define the number of times the same string is used to indent. Default: 4 xml_oss : str, optional define the string used to indent xml statement. default ' ' * XML_OFFSET_SIZE. """ def __init__(self): self.xml = [] self.xml_oss = XML_OSS self.xml_n_offset = XML_N_OFFSET self.xml_offset_size = XML_OFFSET_SIZE
[docs] def xml_main(self): """Method which will create the XML file. """ pass
[docs] def note_xml(self, note): """Method to create the apparatus note XML Parameters ---------- note : str contains the string to consider as a note in the XML """ self.xml.append(self.xml_oss + '<note>' + note + '</note>')
[docs] def save_xml(self, fname=None, xml=None): """Method to save the XML in the working directory """ if fname is None: fname = self.__class__.__name__ + '.xml' if xml is None: if self.xml is list: xml = '\n'.join(self.xml) else: xml = self.xml with open(fname, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(xml)